
#GrowWithSkilio: 6 ways to develop Willingness to Learn

Welcome to our weekly series — Grow with Skilio!

In this series, we will be sharing about a soft skill and its behavioral competencies. We will also include relevant learning resources and tips to grow your soft skills with us!

The first soft skill of the series is Willingness to Learn

Image: Ben White

What is Willingness to Learn?


Willingness to Learn is the desire to acquire new knowledge and develop.

A person that displays Willingness to Learn can be identified by being:

    1. Responsive to feedback

    1. Inquisitive

    1. Modest and

    1. Able to take charge of one’s development

If the above behavioral competencies are a little difficult to comprehend, fret not! We will be diving deeper into them each week to have you be able to fully develop the Willingness to Learn.

Image credit: David Monje

Why is Willingness to Learn important?

Willingness to Learn new skills is one of the most important qualities employers look for when hiring new employees.

Willingness to Learn benefits you greatly as it:

    1. Provides the ability to create. The more things you learn, the more new ideas come to your mind, the better your ability to innovate.
    2. Opens doors for your career and business success. After all, adapting and changing is required to survive in this competitive and constantly evolving world.
    3. Helps you to deal with the unexpected and find ways to solve problems.

Image credit: Aaron Burden

So how can you develop the Willingness to Learn?


Here are 6 tips for you to keep in mind:

    1. Always remind yourself that desire to learn is the path for making your dreams reality. If you want to succeed, you have to be up to date.
    2. Expose yourself to learning resources and opportunities. Bookmark free online resources such as edXCourseraFutureLearnGoogle Classroom and many more to be notified when learning opportunities come about. Also, follow platforms that share about these online resources, like Skilio, to aid your journey!
    3. Find role models. Having a role model will give you a goal to work towards and achieving such goals will require learning.
    4. Build a network of support. Network of support can include friends of similar interests. For example, at Skilio, our interns encourage one another to learn more by going for online webinars such as soft skills masterclasses and General Assembly workshops and sharing consolidated notes. We even have a Google Drive folder set up specially to share such notes and present our notes during our meetings so that everyone gets to benefit.

Skilio Learning Notes folder

5. Don’t be scared of failure. We have to remember that failure is inevitable and see failure as a way to learn more new things. Turn failure into motivation to succeed, not into a reason to give up.

6. Find out what your weaknesses are. When people know what their gaps are, they will want to fill them! List down all your weaknesses and think about ways to improve them.

In conclusion…

Willingness to Learn is a skill necessary for both adults and children. It is inevitable that advancements occur and new knowledge form. The more you learn, the better your future prospects. New knowledge will open new doors in your life and let you take the most out of living in the modern world.

As strong advocates for soft skills here at Skilio, we will be sharing more tips on developing the Willingness to Learn in our next few articles. Each article will be tailored to develop one behavioral competency. We will also recommend steps you can take to help you in your first steps to changing yourself. So remember to check back in next week for more good resources and follow us if you haven’t to stay updated with our content!

About us

Skilio is a soft skills measurement and analytics platform that empowers organizations to track soft skill development through experiences. For more information, do check us out here, alternatively drop us an email on [email protected] for more information.