
3 Ways To Navigate Through The Unchartered In The VUCA World with Soft Skills

As the world is becoming more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, the education system must realign their goals to ensure that youths adopt the right mindset and have the necessary skills for the challenging future. Educators play a huge role in imparting optimal knowledge and attitudes to groom our future leaders.




Source: Daily Outlook Afghanistan

Here are three tips on what schools and training companies can do to adapt to the ever-changing landscape.



1. Reshaping attitudes


Source: Unsplash

Educators must provide frequent and consistent communication about change, why it is needed and what is needed to achieve it. This helps youths to manage expectations and stay relevant.


It is also important for educators to guide youths on how to manage stress and explain how it can be used positively to promote growth. Educators can impart some of these skills in youths to cope with stress which includes expressing one’s feelings, efficient time management, looking at the big picture, setting reasonable standards for oneself and others.



Skilio tip:

Reshaping attitudes of students is a long term process and it is best to start as soon as possible to cultivate the right attitudes from young. Reflection conducted regularly can help educators to better understand their students’ attitudes and feedback allows educators to provide words of encouragement or areas of improvement on progress.


2. Encouraging interaction in a multicultural setting


Source: UNFPA

In today’s globalised world where multiple cultures are present in all settings, educators need to encourage students to learn from each other through well-structured, collaborative interaction instead of just a one-way transfer of knowledge.



Youths can gain soft skills associated with interculturalism such as communication skills, collaboration skills, flexibility and adaptability and creativity. This is essential as human capital is becoming more fluid with technology and societies are becoming more diverse.



Skilio tip:

Measurement of youth’s soft skills such as communication, adaptability and willingness to learn is important to promote their development. Promotion of collaborative learning is also paramount as we believe that working together in a team exposes youth to understand diverse perspectives and foster leadership skills.


Related Article: 5 Ways To Differentiate Your Soft Skill Development Programmes



3. Providing youths with the space to be creative


Source: Unsplash

In a VUCA world, creativity is an essential skill for problem-solving when met with the unexpected. The role of educators should be changing from a provider of facts, data, theories and information towards that of a mentor who directs learning by teaching their students to handle information, check them, synthesise them, cooperate with data, solve problems with data and apply intercultural competences.



Although information is readily available, it is still important to provide a guide to provide the best environment for creativity. The promotion of creativity includes encouraging intellectual curiosity, taking risks and having the space to make mistakes.



Skilio tip:

Of course, not all ideas work out. What we want students to take away is to learn from their mistakes and improve on them throughout the journey. Hence, we recommend students to self-reflect as well as mentor and peers to provide feedback to allow youths to perform better in future.


Related Article: Journaling To Success — 3 Benefits Of Reflective Practice




At Skilio, we believe that exposing youths to diverse cultures can help to manage uncertainty by developing their soft skills and cultivating collaborative learning. Soft skills are becoming more important especially in the VUCA world to manage uncertainty and overcome challenges. Also, we encourage constant reflection by youths and feedback from peers and mentors. Youths can then understand and determine the next action to be taken. On the other hand, crowd-sourced feedback allows youths to improve on their weaknesses.



We provide a platform where youths can document their experiences from projects, fieldwork, class activities and reflect on them. Also, we provide an opportunity for mentors and peers to provide feedback for them so that they can have a better idea of how to improve. Through reflective practice and crowd-sourced feedback, we will measure and analyse soft skills and provide data illustration of their soft skills powered by Artificial Intelligence. The insights include how your soft skills have developed throughout your experiences and recommendations on areas of improvement.



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